Put this in your Pack and smoke it...

(Not Literally... note : smoking cloth armor is bad for your health I do not condone it, plus it makes your mom upset) Dear Blog, I haven't forgotten you. I have just been very busy. Why haven't I shared what I am working on? Because I think it will have a bigger impact when it is finished or close to finished. As earlier you might have read that I have been in bliss lately working on a game. Complete and utter bliss. So I am going to share an image from that game. This was the first image I showed in my irc channel of developers I visit everyday. Firsts reactions were 'NES' ! (Nintendo Entertainment System). I think this has to do more with the Heart button, and the Heart Inventory slot more than the actual pixelated style, although those two together do smack of NES games. And of course I made a Link type outfit which probably really brings it home as 'NES'. But once I post images of the game, that should be era...