Lava Level LIVES!

Things are erupting at Lava Level Time to announce the official site! ! Company Website! clean, simple and to the point. As more content comes in (Apps actually ready for purchase) I plan to make the website more fancy. But not too fancy. I look at this as more of an online business card. However I will link the facebook fanpage into it as well. Go LIKE it... That gem of a link is here... Nothing fancy. No big roll out. I've already rolled myself out big enough (haha), and this is more or less a business card of that work. A lot of the promotional fluff I plan to build while I nervously await Apple approval for my app. That takes a week or two. On a much more exciting note, last month I registered the name of my game as a .com and parked .net ! I am so stoked for that, and that page will host most of the information about my App I am creating. including Links to the various s...