
Showing posts from March, 2012

Lava Level LIVES!

Things are erupting at Lava Level Time to announce the official site! !  Company Website! clean, simple and to the point.  As more content comes in (Apps actually ready for purchase) I plan to make the website more fancy.  But not too fancy.  I look at this as more of an online business card. However I will link the facebook fanpage into it as well. Go LIKE it...   That gem of a link is here...  Nothing fancy.  No big roll out.  I've already rolled myself out big enough (haha), and this is more or less a business card of that work.  A lot of the promotional fluff I plan to build while I nervously await Apple approval for my app.  That takes a week or two. On a much more exciting note, last month I registered the name of my game as a .com and parked .net !    I am so stoked for that, and that page will host most of the information about my App I am creating.  including Links to the various s...

Led Zeppelin RPG building playlist

Has it really been 2 1/2 months since my blog post? It appears I have a syndrome of convincing myself that my game is always two weeks out.  lol. SORRY!    I kept thinking it was last week.  Actually things are moving along swimmingly. I am happy to report that I have been working diligently on my game...except for the last two weeks.  I got in kind of a bind financially and had to join an art contract company called The Creative Group to make ends meet.  Well, that actually hasn't produced much work, which was fine by me. I was happy as a pickle to be working on my game full time and my game has actually benefited greatly from it! So....  They call me up out of the blue and give me a job.  And well, I had to take it.  For a few weeks.  It has actually been 2 weeks and 2 days.  And it has thrown my work off track like CRAZY!  The gig is contract, so it sucks that it is right in the middle of content creation, but the gi...