
So. Where were we? Oh of course! QUESTLORD! Progress has been coming along at a nice steady clip! And here is one new way I show that progress. There is this thing called Screenshot Saturdays, not sure who runs it but, whomever does is doing the indie community a HUGE favor. I made it in time last week. This week however it appears that I might have missed the deadline, I think the actual day for the Saturday might be on the Tower of London timetable. So here is the shot that was uploaded at 10:30 Central time and I guess missed the deadline. Here we see the player swinging his/her sword at the Gates of HammerStone. Testing out the Japanese translation of 'You Missed!' (iPhone) This screenshot actually made it in the previous weekend of #screenshotsaturday, And you can see that Lady Telefin tells you something encouraging yet wise in French. (iPad) So the game is progressing right along and I hope to do ...