makeFUN = new MakeFun();

Things have been super busy. Doing my tutorials for the iPhone. Enjoying it very much, it has taken it's toll on my Flash/ActionScript 3 development. But I have managed to find time to update my portfolio site !!! I think I have found that people don't mind visiting my portfolio website when I offer them more activities than when they first visited. Most of them probably do not constantly look at my prior titles or artwork, however that is a guestimate since I do not have analytics on that. Holidays are a perfect opportunity for this! Everyone loves getting a holiday greeting. Lately I have been thinking about creating a public variable to tie the whole sites' activities together. Basically the player could change that variable in the activities and that variable will be shared throught the game. I am thinking since I developed such a complex animation system for my character, users could purchase new outfits for him. ...